Non sapete come vestirvi? Io semplicemente userò la parrucca grigia che vedete in foto, l'ho presa da Tiger a soli 7€!
Ne vendevano di tanti tipi, le avrei prese quasi tutte, ma alla fine ho scelto questa.
Ormai è una nuova moda avere i capelli grigi, avevo intenzione di farlo veramente, ma sicuramente si sarebbero rovinati tantissimo.
Pensare che tre anni fa mi sono fatta per ben due volte bionda e poi sono ritornata nuovamente mora, ho pianto tantissimo, rischiavo di diventare calva!
Quindi mi accontento di una parrucca a pochi soldi :-D
It is almost a carnival!
Do you have chosen a good carnival party?
Do you know how to dress? I simply will use the gray wig that you see in the pictures, I bought at Tiger only 7€!
They sold many types, I bought almost all, but in the end I chose this.
Now the gray hair is a new fashio, I was going to do it really, but it sure would be ruined so much.
To think that three years ago I made twice blonde and then came back brunette again, I cried a lot, I risked to become bald!
So I'll settle for a wig :-D
It is almost a carnival!
Do you have chosen a good carnival party?
Do you know how to dress? I simply will use the gray wig that you see in the pictures, I bought at Tiger only 7€!
They sold many types, I bought almost all, but in the end I chose this.
Now the gray hair is a new fashio, I was going to do it really, but it sure would be ruined so much.
To think that three years ago I made twice blonde and then came back brunette again, I cried a lot, I risked to become bald!
So I'll settle for a wig :-D


Beautiful 😁✨💐. It is impossible for anything to look bad on you my friend 😉✌ Many blessings my dear Elisabetta.
RispondiEliminaThe white hair looks amazing on you.
It looks nice on you :)
E fai bene ad accontentarti della parrucca così non rischi di rovinare i tuoi bellissimi capelli !!!!