Ciao bellezze!
Ho una fantastica notizia, abbiamo ritrovato il nostro micione Miky❤️
Era da agosto che non si faceva vivo.
Quante lacrime di gioia!
Vi allego una foto qui sotto di quando era appena arrivato a casa, inizialmente ha avuto paura, dopo si è sentito subito a suo agio.
Cambiamo angomento.. Continua la seconda parte delle foto del magico carnevale veneziano.
Oltre le foto che ho pubblicato c'è anche il video che vi avevo promesso ieri, finalmente sono riuscita a finire di editarlo. Spero che vi piaccia e che possiate farvi un'idea o meglio vederlo come se fosse in prima persona.
Buona visione ❤️
Hello beauties!
I have great news, we found our big cat Miky❤️
It was in August that he was not alive.
How many tears of joy!
I am attaching a picture below of when he had just arrived home, initially he was afraid, after he felt immediately at ease.
We change argument.. Continue the second part of the pictures of the magical Venetian carnival.
Besides the photos I posted a video that I promised you yesterday, I finally managed to finish editing.
I hope you like it and you can get an idea or rather see it as personally.
Good vision ❤️
I have great news, we found our big cat Miky❤️
It was in August that he was not alive.
How many tears of joy!
I am attaching a picture below of when he had just arrived home, initially he was afraid, after he felt immediately at ease.
We change argument.. Continue the second part of the pictures of the magical Venetian carnival.
Besides the photos I posted a video that I promised you yesterday, I finally managed to finish editing.
I hope you like it and you can get an idea or rather see it as personally.
Good vision ❤️


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Che belleee foto ;)
RispondiEliminaGreat photos dear! I'm glad your cat is back :) It is so cute :)
che meraviglia di maschere
RispondiEliminabuon martedì
<<< tr3ndygirl fashion blog >>>
so fun!! Love this post! :D
RispondiEliminaHave a great week!
Animated Confessions
Fantastico il Carnevale a Venezia, non ci sono mai stata :-)
RispondiEliminaLa notizia del ritrovamento del tuo gattino stupenda! Complimenti
bacioni e buon mercoledi
I'm Catelicious
Wow, it looks like you had a great time. So nice to see as I felt like I was there with you. Great video and photos. Thanks for sharing sweetheart.
Ogni anno mi riprometto di andarci e poi non lo faccio mai....bel recap! Un bacio e buona serata,
Eniwhere Fashion
Bloglovin of Eniwhere Fashion
Great video it looks like the carnival was so much fun 😃
Che meraviglia questo post!
RispondiEliminaSono contenta per il tuo micione...