domenica 8 febbraio 2015

I'm in love with total look black

Ciao bellezze! Domani ho due esami, poi mercoledì un altro e dopo festaaaa! 
Inizierò la dieta ️mercoledì 11 febbraio, non immaginate quante merendine, brioches, latte con biscotti e cereali ho mangiato mentre studiavo. :-D
Ora scappo a ripassare tutto e vi lascio con questo outfit.
Buona domenica! 

Hello beauties! Tomorrow I have two exams, then Wednesday I have another exam and after partyyyy!
I'll start the diet at wednesday 11 February, you can't believe the snacks, pastries, cookies and milk with cereal that I ate while I was studying. :-D
Now I run to go to study and I leave you with this outfit.
Happy Sunday!

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